
Satisfied Online Shopper is More Likely to Purchase Again

Online-Customer-ServicesA US study of online shopping habits has found that a highly satisfied online shopper is 73 percent more likely to purchase online than a dissatisfied shopper, and 75 percent more likely to recommend a site to a friend. The annual report into customer satisfaction with retail websites by ForeSee Results showed that only 10 of 40 top e-tail sites managed to improve their online shopper satisfaction rating since the previous year’s study.


Most Consumers Research Online Before They Buy

Research Online Before You Buy

A leading hosting and internet services provider recently found that nearly half of the consumers reasearch online before they buy anything. Yet only half of the retailers monitor their reputation on the internet or don’t have a website.

The hosting firm surveyed 1,500 people and over 400 retailers and found that nearly half of of the consumers read reviews of the products before actually buying them.

One in three consumers leave a review online, 44% men and 34% women go to review sites and compare the prices from various online stores.