3 Important Considerations for a Successful ERP Implementation
You plan to install an ERP system at your Business………… You survey the market and purchase the one that best suits your pocket and business…….. Is that the end of the story. Definitely, NOT! You have to make sure that your ERP system does not become a liability for you…

Easily Build Your Ecommerce Store in Odoo 8
You can now create awesome and professional websites with Odoo using building blocks in just no time. Promote your website, events and organize inline subscriptions. Boost your sales by setting up an E-Commerce site without having technical skills. Install the odoo website builder in one click and start building your website…

Restaurants Billing Software or POS or Inventory Managment
Welcome to the world of Hospitality!! We all find it extreme relaxing and enjoying to sit in restaurants, bars and clubs with our loved ones. But do you know restaurants, bars and clubs need to be completely IT updated to serve you well and make you feel the utmost special….

How to use customer portal for resgitering complaints
How to use customer portal for resgitering complaints Go to your URL for example – http://xyz.cloudyogi.com/portal , Once you do so the below screen will open Use your username and password provided by the customer or CRM and login After you login below screen will open Below screenshot will let you…

Cloud Yogi vTiger CRM Customer Portal User Manual
Cloud Yogi / VtigerCRM Customer Portal User Manual Cloud Yogi CRM & vTiger CRM come’s with customer portal, where these CRMs empower the customers (customers of the CRM user) to enter complaints and see (Trouble Tickets), view FAQs, Invoice, Quotation, Products, Service, Documents (associated with them), Assets & Project Management ( Project,…

Email Configuration in Odoo
How to setup/configure Email server in Odoo? User can setup email servers to receive or send emails from Odoo. This setting is global, so all the users will share this setting. Configure Outgoing mail Server To send Emails, Go to Settings –> Email –> Outgoing Mail Servers. Fill all the mandatory…

How to create backup of the database and Restore the database in OpenERP/Odoo
How to create backup of the database in Odoo User can take backup of the database you have created in Openerp/Odoo. To do that Click on the “Manage Database” to see all the database. User will navigate to Database manager screen. Click on “Backup” option from left side…

How to install Odoo8 on Windows 7
Introduction When simplicity meets comprehensive features. The new release of Odoo 8 is a major upgrade introducing a great many new features and a new name. Odoo 8 looks so great and easier to use, it also brings many improvements to the existing feature-set and adds a number of brand new features…

How to install OpenERP 7 on Windows 7
Why Install OpenERP on a windows machine? Some of the time, people who want to try out new features of OpenERP, maybe try it for the first time and do not have too much knowledge about servers and all that jazz. The simple solution to this is to install the…

Transferring Leads to opportunity in Vtiger / Cloud Yogi CRM
Vtiger CRM/Cloud Yogi CRM allows you to manage your leads and convert them to opportunity at a suitable time. Once a Lead is eligible and determined to be a probable sale, the Lead is converted to a customer Organization, Contact and an Opportunity. When converting a lead, vtiger CRM creates…