
Buying an ERP? Have You Given these 7 Ultimate Points a Thought??

Having made the decision of Installing an Enterprise Resource Planning System is one of the wisest decision you can make for your Business. It is a step forward to ensure your edge in the market over your competitors, still relying on the obsolete means on Business process management. Now it…

Odoo provides Powerful Content filtering and reporting

How to Make Default Filter in Odoo / OpenERP Modules

If you are new to Odoo or OpenERP than one of the most common problem you will find in any module is of filtering data. Well no doubt it’s a cake walk but for those who knows the answer if you don’t then get ready to spend hours to Google to…

Target Integration provides CRM and ERP Application Training.

CRM and its problems — as per a Transition Year Student

We had Calvin last week doing a one week internship in the company. After his whole week of hard work we asked him to write just a small essay and this is what Calvin thinks of a CRM. CRM is Customer Relationship Management software. It is used for managing Companies interactions…


A Practical eNewsletter Training in Dublin on 25th June 2010

After successful completion of eNewsletter Training in April; Target Integration will be running another session of the same training in Guinness Enterprise Centre on Friday 25th June 2010. This time the training is of a full day (9.30am to 5pm) and will allow the attendees to do more practice and…