Knowledgement on New Domain

After successfully being the key provider of technical knowledge for businesses from introductions to making them technically self sufficient; Knowledgement has taken a new league of progression, that is moving towards a new domain of its own ( This has brought in some changes to our subscribers and if you are reading this post, I am sure you have now updated yourself with those changes and everything is working fine for you. This post introduces you to the structure of Knowledgement which we have created keeping our readers in mind.

Knowledgement is divided in two main categories; this has been done keeping the two different reader categories in mind. Business and home users will get benefitted from the articles in General category and Technical people will be able to enjoy hard core technical articles in the Technical category. The email updates will be delivered by MailChimp. All the existing subscribers from the old Knowledgement ( have been migrated to the General category by default; you will be able to change your preferences after receiving the first update email from Knowledgement, which will have a link for updating your preferences.

You can also add Knowledgement RSS feed to the feed reader of your choice to get update. We have put some helpful icons at the bottom of every post which will help you link us to some common services quickly. Click below URLs for the corresponding RSS Feeds:

General Category RSS Feed

Technical Category RSS Feed

Knowledgement RSS Feed (General IT + Technical)

Finally, we thank you for your continuous support, and hope that we will continue to be your preferred IT services provider. Feel free to drop us a line with your comment, feedback or just a hello using our contact us page.

Target Integration Team

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