How to create backup of the database in Odoo
User can take backup of the database you have created in Openerp/Odoo. To do that Click on the “Manage Database” to see all the database.
User will navigate to Database manager screen.
Click on “Backup” option from left side panel to go to Backup Database screen. Select the database you want to take backup of and enter “master password”. Then click on “Backup” button to download the backup of the database.
After clicking on the “Backup” button, database dump will get downloaded on your system.
How to Restore the database in Odoo
After taking the backup of the database, user can restore the same or any other database in Odoo server by following the steps given below:
Click on “Restore” option from left side panel to go to Restore Database screen.
a) Click on “Choose Files” button available against field “File” and select the database dump you have saved in the system.
b) Give the database a new name in “New Database Name” field.
c) Give “Master Password” and click on “Restore” button to restore the database in odoo server.
Now the database is restored on odoo server. You can access the database by logging into the database.